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Not the Kind of Fasting I Have Chosen

Karen Jones

Based on a Lectio Divina meditation from Isaiah 58:6-9

During this season known as Lent, many Christians give up something out of honor and respect for what Jesus gave up for us in giving His life on the cross. As I meditated on this scripture from the book of Isaiah, I began to see a completely different aspect of what fasting could mean. I began to realize that "giving up" something is really only one type of fast.

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:

to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?

Isaiah 58:6 NIV

Fasting is often associated with denying oneself food.

But this kind of fasting goes beyond.

This kind of fasting goes from

Denying your own needs to

Meeting the needs of those denied.

Fasting is often associated with giving up something.

But this kind of fasting goes beyond.

This kind of fasting goes from

Giving up to

Giving OF yourself.

Fasting is often associated with great personal discomfort.

But this kind of fasting goes beyond.

This kind of fasting goes from

Focusing on your own discomfort to

Seeing the discomfort of others.

Fasting is generally associated with denying your flesh to gain intimacy with God.

But this kind of fasting goes beyond.

This kind of fasting goes from

Self-serving to

Selfless serving.

Fasting is generally associated with self-gain.

But this kind of fasting goes beyond.

This kind of fasting goes from

Personal growth to

Growing His kingdom on earth.

Take a Five Minute Walk

Spend at least five minutes today on a walk with God, asking Him to reveal to you the kind of "fast" He would have you choose. Allow Him to reveal to you at least one way you can give of yourself during this season of Lent.

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